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Adjusting to Life With Dentures

Dentures can make you happier by restoring your smile and self-esteem. They’re removable, so it’s easy to keep them clean too. But they can feel a little loose and cause some pain at first. If you need dentures, Bucktown Dental in Chicago, Illinois, can help.

Dr. Melissa Daza and Dr. Michelle Schwartz, dental experts at Bucktown Dental in Chicago, Illinois, share their expertise so you have an idea of what to expect with dentures, and how you can easily adjust to them.

Types of dentures

We offer three types of dentures at Bucktown Dental: partial, conventional, and immediate dentures.

Partial dentures

Drs. Melissa Daza and Michelle Schwartz use partial dentures if you still have natural teeth. They fill in spaces where you have missing teeth.

Partial dentures are great for restoring your smile. And they keep your natural teeth in place.

Conventional dentures

Conventional dentures replace an entire arch of missing teeth. They’re long-lasting and easy to clean, but you have to wait a few months after having your teeth removed. This gives your mouth time to heal so your bones can properly reshape.

Immediate dentures

If you don’t want to go a few months without any teeth, Dr. Daza or Dr. Schwartz may recommend immediate dentures. These dentures go in as soon as your teeth come out. 

Although you have teeth right after, one downside is that you have to come back to our office more often. When you have teeth removed, your jaw bone shifts during the healing process. So your dentures need readjustments too.

Common problems with dentures

Removable dentures are convenient but can cause minor problems. Especially if you just got them. Some common issues with dentures are pain and discomfort, fitting issues, and bad breath.

Pain and discomfort

It can take a few days adjusting to dentures. One of the most common problems during the first week is pain and discomfort. It takes a little time for your gums to adjust, and your dentures might feel loose too. This goes away as you learn to take them out and put them in properly.

Fitting issues

Dentures in your lower mouth don’t have as much suction as the upper ones, making them a little wobbly. They might not fit properly at first, and can sometimes make gum irritation worse. Talk to Drs. Daza or Schwartz if this keeps happening after the first few weeks.

Bad breath

Dentures need thorough cleaning. When they’re not cleaned, bacteria can build up and cause bad breath.


At first, you might experience some discomfort when eating. Eat softer foods during the first couple of weeks and chew slowly. Slowly add more food as you adjust to your dentures.


Certain words might sound funny when start wearing your dentures, and you may have problems pronouncing words too. Just practice saying those words out loud; it gets better.

Denture care

Keeping your dentures clean is important. If you don’t clean them daily, bacteria can build up and cause bad breath and infections. Make sure you brush your dentures every day and soak them in a denture cleaning solution. Brush them before you soak them.

Dentures are fragile, so if you drop them, they can break. Be careful when you remove them and brush them over a soft surface or bowl of water. With proper care, your dentures can last for many years. Also, make sure you brush your gums and any remaining natural teeth.

To learn more about dentures, schedule an appointment at Bucktown Dental online or give our office a call.

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