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What’s the Best Option for Missing Teeth: Dentures or Implants?

What’s the Best Option for Missing Teeth: Dentures or Implants?

If you’re missing one or more teeth, you may be self-conscious about your smile. However, even more important than the cosmetic implications is the fact that having missing teeth can affect the health of your jawbone and remaining teeth.

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, there are a number of options, including dentures and implants. At Bucktown Wicker Park Dental in Chicago, our highly trained and experienced providers understand all of the ins and outs of these options. And in this blog, they explain how each system works.

Considering dentures

Dentures, which have been in use for hundreds of years, can replace one or multiple teeth. And even though dentures are one of the oldest dental technologies, they’re still a good solution for many people. Modern materials and techniques combined with the simplicity of use make dentures an easy and reasonable solution.

Dentures consist of a gum-colored base and a false tooth that sits on top of the base. The base attaches to your jawbone through suction or an adhesive. Because dentures don’t permanently attach to your jawbone, there is some potential for slippage as you eat and talk. However, in time, most people adjust to dentures and become comfortable with the way they look and feel.

A considerable downside, however, is that since dentures don’t replace the roots of the missing teeth, this can lead to shrinkage of the jaw. This is because whenever you chew or bite down, the roots of your teeth press into your jawbone, which stimulates your jawbone to keep replacing old jaw tissue with new jaw tissue.

Without these roots, your jaw will stop producing new jaw tissue in the area, which could cause your jaw to shrink and also cause other teeth to shift out of place. The good news is, implants — which we’ll discuss next — take care of this problem.

Considering implants 

A more modern method of replacing lost teeth is with dental implants, which can also replace one or multiple teeth. The biggest advantage of implants is they replace the entire structure of the tooth, including the root.

A dental implant consists of three parts: a titanium post, an abutment, and a crown. The post, which acts as the new root, is anchored into the jawbone. The abutment is secured to the top of the post, and the crown is attached to the abutment.

Because implants also replace the root, your jaw will continue to replace jaw tissue, which will keep your jaw healthy and strong. Furthermore, implants are permanent, so you won’t need to be concerned about them slipping. You’ll be able to chew and talk like normal. Also, you’ll take care of your implants just like your natural teeth, meaning you’ll floss them and brush them just like normal.

Get the care you need

If you have one or more missing teeth, our providers at Bucktown Wicker Park Dental can give you a thorough evaluation and discuss your options. Besides the choice we listed above, we also offer bridges and a special kind of implant called All-on-4® implants. No matter what you need, we have the solution for you.

To learn more about your tooth replacement options, contact Bucktown Wicker Park Dental to schedule an appointment today.

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